Sharing data for population health advocacy
As a part of the Village Vital Signs, the Community Housing Data Tool was developed to provide information and resources to individuals, families, and organizations interested in learning more about the state of housing in Boston communities. Emphasizing the relationship between health and housing, the interactive tool shares data for population health advocacy to advance health equity. Data maps and resources are available in four categories of support systems: in-house quality and safety, community and external quality and safety, accessibility of affordable living options, and stability support. The Data Tool presents a dynamic model for integrating equity within data sharing efforts that center the lived experience and voices of groups of populations (e.g. returning citizens and single fathers) that have been relatively less highlighted in discussions on housing. It ultimately aims to promote equitable and safe housing environments in all Boston neighborhoods.

Community driven approach
The Data Tool was co-created with the Community Data Workgroup, a diverse team of individual residents and organizational community partners, who provides valuable direction in forming the framework and topics. As designers, not just as users of the Data Tool, community members have led the process of its development and ongoing plans for expansion. Building on guidance from the data workgroup, the Data Tool intends to make the most relevant information and resources on housing accessible to Boston families.
Sharing data across sectors and through interactive maps
While we use publicly available data, our partners also share valuable data with us. You can learn more about our partners here. Community Housing Data Tool provides data and resources through interactive maps. Interactive maps not only enable users to look for and navigate to resources, but also allow them to observe and understand spatial inequity in data, if there is, among neighborhoods.
*We appreciate the opportunity to participate in CIC-START by Data Across Sectors for Health (DASH), which allowed us to improve the Data Tool to become mobile friendly and further develop the content.